Thank you for using ARB's Equipment Registration (ARBER) software.
By using this software, you agree to be bound by the following
terms and conditions.
As your company's
Administrator you, and you alone, will be able to assign additional
users (delegates) to read or edit your company's
information. As the Administrator of this company profile, you
agree to the following terms and conditions on behalf of all of the
users to whom you grant access rights for your company's equipment
registration information on ARBER.
ARBER software is copyrighted by the California Air Resources
Board (2008). This software is made available for the purpose of
registering equipment in accordance with California state law (see
below). You may not copy or use this software for any other
The Administrator agrees that he or she and, if applicable,
his or her delegates shall:
1. Data Entry: only enter true and accurate
information pursuant to the TRU ATCM (Article 8, Off-Road Airborne
Toxic Control Measures, and section 2477,within division 3, chapter
9, title 13, California Code of Regulations) and/or the Drayage
Truck Regulation (adopted Resolution 07-58 approving the adoption
of section 2027, title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR)).
2. Compliance Notification: you agree to accept notice
of ARB determinations of regulatory compliance or non-compliance as
determined by the ARBER system, which is programmed in accordance
with the requirements of the regulations cited above. If the
Administrator or, if applicable, its delegates, disagrees with the
compliance determination, he or she may appeal the determination in
writing to the address specified below:
P.O. BOX 2815
SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2815
3. Updates:update the information entered in the ARBER
system in a timely manner. This includes updates to the company
profile and primary contact information. Notices regarding
compliance will be sent directly to the primary contact email
address as shown on the company profile and not by U.S. mail.
USER PRIVACY: ARB agrees to hold the information
entered in the ARBER system in accordance with the State of
California's privacy policy and public disclosure laws: Civil Code
Section 1798 et seq.; the Public Records Act (Government Code
Section 6250 et seq.); Government Code Section 11015.5, and all
other laws pertaining to information privacy. The user/owner agrees
that ARB may provide the public with information pertaining to the
compliance or non-compliance of equipment as identified by vehicle
registration or equipment serial number only. Information collected
on ownership, address, email, and contact information will not be
released to the public via the ARBER system. The user/owner's email
and contact information will not be used for any purpose unrelated
to the regulations cited above and will not be sold or shared for
commercial purposes.